8 Natural Ways To Keep Bugs Out Of Your Vegetables

People are becoming more aware of how harmful synthetic herbicides, pesticides, and insecticides are to humans, animals, and the environment as new technologies are developed.

Spraying chemicals to kill weeds and bugs is not only hazardous to one’s health; it’s also useless most of the time.

They’ll kill a lot of bugs initially, but these pests will acquire tolerance to the pesticide and return tougher.

Starting with sourcing good soil, matching the suitable plants to the soil, ensuring adequate watering conditions and sunshine levels, applying organic fertilizers, and frequent trimming, gardening experts propose adopting non-toxic pest control tactics. 

If these attempts fail, there are additional pest-control options outside chemical pesticides that can help remove pests while keeping your family, pets, and plants healthy and safe.

How Do Bugs Affect The Growth Of Vegetables?

How Do Bugs Affect The Growth Of Vegetables?

Plant pests and diseases disrupt plant development and inflict harm to both cultivated and wild plants. 

Plants are unable to realize their genetic potential as a result of the interference and harm.

Individual stems or whole plants can be killed or deformed by stem-boring insects. 

Caterpillars, scale, planthoppers, and true bugs, for example, eat by sucking sap from plant tissues via sucking mouthparts. 

Foliage spotting or stippling, leaf curling, and stunted or deformed fruits are all symptoms of this sort of feeding.

8 Ways to Keep Bugs Out of Your Vegetables Naturally

8 Ways To Keep Bugs Out Of Your Vegetables Naturally

Sure, it is feasible to organically control garden bugs without using hazardous and deadly pesticides on the food you raise!

Nothing is more aggravating than seeing perfectly healthy crops being destroyed by bugs. 

Parasitoids, cabbageworms, termites, and the deadly hornworm all appear to have the ability to devastate crops overnight.

There are 8 natural ways to keep bugs out of your vegetables which are explained as follows.

Attract Bugs Natural Predators To Your Garden

Attract Bugs Natural Predators To Your Garden

Helpful bugs will eat pests that you don’t want in your house or garden. 

If you give water, food, and shelter, these beneficial insects will flock to your garden. To ensure their survival, you must provide them with a healthy environment.

Letting beneficial bugs in your backyard has a variety of advantages. 

They are expected to be better and more effective in the long run than harmful toxins.

Nevertheless, you’ll need to conduct some study or consult with pest control professionals to figure out what your bug problem is and which beneficial insects to recruit to assist.

Prevent The Movement Of Bugs Onto The Plant

Air movement surrounding the vegetation is necessary not just to keep the humidity level from getting too high, but it also helps to keep pests away in a few additional aspects. 

Improved airflow accelerates soil drying and inhibits fungal growth, rendering your houseplants less appealing to pests.

Growing Plants To Repel Bugs

Repellents and obstacles will keep insects out of your house and yard. They work as a barrier, preventing crawling insects from entering your plants and home.

Cutworms won’t get into carrots planted in toilet paper rolls, for example. 

Insects will be kept at bay by the presence of plants. Aphids and ants are naturally deterred by spearmint, mint, and pennyroyal. 

As a result, consider planting them around your garden to deter pests.

Aromatic insect deterrents are also a viable option. 

Pests can be deterred by planting scented plants such as savory, garlic, and lavender around your plants.

Using Horticultural Oils

Spider mites, aphids, mealy bugs, and whitefly are sucking, soft-bodied insects that can be controlled using insecticidal oils and soaps. 

They can still be employed to control immature larval stages of insects, even if they are less efficient against adult insects. As a result, timing is crucial when using these natural bug killers.

Insecticidal soap fatty acids will permeate the insect’s outer coating, causing the cells to collapse. 

This should be administered to the bug directly. It’s vital to keep in mind that once it dries, it’s no more valuable. 

Because they don’t harm helpful bugs like ladybugs and praying mantises, insecticidal detergents are the safest type of pesticide.

Create Natural Pesticides

To get rid of pests, you can employ a variety of pest control treatments found in your house. 

Using an organic method to get rid of roaches, mice, fleas, and other pests keeps your family and friends healthy and safe.

Dish Soap

Dawn liquid dish detergent is a relatively harmless alternative to the conventional bug-spray detergents for killing and repelling insects such as aphids, mites, and scale off plants, with a strength of roughly 2%.

Mix 1 gallon of warm soft water with 2.5 teaspoons of Dawn dish soap and 2.5 tablespoons vegetable oil. 

The Dawn dish detergent used in the recipe must not include bleach, as chlorine might be harmful to the plants. 

Furthermore, while diluting insecticides, soft water should always be used.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is crystalline stuff formed from the shells of microscopic marine animals known as diatoms. 

It has no odor and is non-toxic. It should be stretched about locations where pests congregate. 

The bugs will go quickly as this powder begins to perform its magic.

Garden Safe Brand Crawling Insect Killer Containing Diatomaceous Earth

Garden Safe Insect Killer, Diatomaceous Earth, 1 Pack
  • PEST-KILLING DUST: Use indoors or outdoors to control listed crawling insects on contact
  • CONTAINS DIATOMACEOUS EARTH: Insects encounter or ingest this powder and die within 24 hours – insects don’t become immune to its killing action
  • CONTROLS: Kills cockroaches, ants, silverfish, beetles, fleas, bed bugs and other crawling insects as listed


Vinegar is one of the most important ingredients in manufacturing a mosquito repellent spray. 

It attracts insects such as mosquitoes, fruit flies, and a variety of other insects.

It’s easy to make a blend, and it’s safe for both humans and dogs. The vinegar’s acidity is strong enough to kill a variety of pests.


Pyrethrins stimulate the neural systems of insects that come into contact with it or ingest it. 

This causes them to become paralyzed and eventually die. Pyrethrins are frequently combined with another substance to boost their effectiveness. 

A synergist is the name for the second chemical.

Hot Pepper Spray

Rather than being an insecticide, hot pepper spray is used to discourage insects and animals. 

As you might expect, if a rabbit or bug comes into contact with a leaf or fruit that has been sprayed with a hot pepper, they will spit it up and stop eating that plant.


If you’re searching for a natural insect repellent, beer is a better alternative for individuals with children or pets, as well as being more ecologically friendly.


Throw some cucumber slices out the windows as you’re creating your fresh veggie salad. 

Cucumbers are repulsive to ants. You may notice a reduction in the number of ants in your home if cucumber slices are left out.


It’s been used to remove all of the bugs in the house for a long time. To get rid of moths and other pests, use cedar blocks about your home. 

Cedar has a fresh, woody aroma that keeps moths away from your clothes as well as other linens.

Citrus Peels

Use citrus to keep spiders away from your home. Because spiders despise citrus, leaving citrus fruits around your kitchen is the greatest method to keep them out. 

You may also smear citrus peels in spider-infested locations including window sills, doors, and cabinets.

Garden Lime

Calcium-hydroxide is another name for hydrated lime. For many years, this simple material has been combined with water and sprayed on plants as a basic insecticide.

Mealybugs, fleas beetles, Arizona potato beetles, zucchini bugs, cucumber bugs, and other pests have been reported to avoid it.

Voluntary Purchasing Group Fertilome 33371 Horticultural Hydrated Lime

Voluntary Purchasing Group Fertilome 33371 Horticultural Hydrated Lime, 5-Pound
  • Corrects soil acidity
  • Helps loosen heavy clay soils
  • Increases soil ph.

Keep And Attract Beneficial Insects

Beneficial insects are drawn to certain plants, therefore pick flowering plants that will attract the proper beneficial bug if you’re seeking to control a specific pest (s). 

The pollen and nectar content of the flowers is determined by the size and form of the blooms.

Treating yards and gardens with pesticides only when pest populations are large enough to cause considerable harm is an excellent approach to conserve benefits. 

Many pesticides are broad-spectrum, meaning they kill all insects, even those you want to preserve.

Hand Picking

Then, there is manual selection. You might be shocked to learn that of all the natural pest management strategies we use, hand picking is the most effective.

Checking your yard for several moments every day to check plants and eradicate any invading pests can help with long-term pest control, believe it or not.

We just pluck off any harmful pests we find with a tiny pail of soapy water. It not only protects the beneficial pests, but it also prevents the harmful ones from growing.

And, sure, it is effective! We experienced a little Japanese Beetle invasion a few years ago. Instead of grabbing for sprays, 

We spent a few weeks plucking them off the plants for 10 minutes each day.

Pro Tips: Grow Healthy, Disease-free Plants And And Provide Optimal Growing Conditions

Planting-stock or seeds are the source of many insect issues. On vegetative propagated stock, virus and disease burdens can limit yields by up to 50%. 

Starting with clean planting materials may considerably increase plant health. Many nations have seed and planting stock certification schemes. 

Although certified seed is generally more expensive than locally available seed, the additional expense should be weighed against the hazards of using uncertified seed. 

To achieve disease-free strains, vegetatively propagated crops are frequently cultivated in tissue culture.

To keep mosquitoes at bay, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden offers lemon-scented plants like citronella grass. The good news is that the live plant is the most effective insect deterrent.

Healthy plants have greater water content. Plants that are water-stressed generate fewer compounds that prevent insects from eating. 

Because younger plants have greater fluid and nitrogen than older leaves, they are more sensitive to insects.

Benefits Of Using Natural Ways Instead Of Broad-spectrum Insecticides To Repel Bugs

  • There are no harmful chemicals. DEET is a chemical that is found in many insect repellents as an active component. There are conflicting reports about its safety. DEET has been demonstrated in studies to affect the central nervous system. Choose natural insect repellents that do not include this dangerous chemical to eliminate the risk.
  • It’s healthier for your skin. Individuals with sensitive skin will be relieved to learn that organic repellents are healthier for them. A skin rash is another negative effect of DEET; organic alternatives do not include harsh chemicals, making them gentler on the skin.
  • Natural treatments are more effective. If the use of chemicals in insect repellents does not bother you, consider this: natural alternatives are more effective. They not only have fewer negative effects, but they also have a greater effectiveness rate in terms of avoiding insect bites.
  • It is better for your health. You won’t mind putting on all-natural insect repellent because the lack of chemicals improves the scent. Natural mosquito repellents are not only nicer smelling, but they are also healthier for your health. One of the active components, peppermint oil, is a natural energizer.
  • It is good for pets. It’s completely safe for yourself, your animals, and the ecosystem.

Some thoughts

Worm on Cabbage

The basic reality is that many commercial pesticides, dusts, and sprays cause more harm than benefit.

They are not only unsafe to use on edible plants and fruit, but they are also non-discriminatory. 

That is, they exterminate both beneficial insects and those that are causing the present problem.

When this happens, the natural equilibrium in your garden is disrupted. And before you know it, you’re in need of additional sprays to deal with new problems.

So, it is the most beneficial way to use natural remedies for preventing bugs using the techniques explained above.

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