Top 4 Things You Can Do With Buckeyes

The name comes from the nutlike seed’s resemblance to a deer’s eye, which has a light spot on a glossy red-brown surface. 

Several similar Eurasian Horse Chestnuts (also from the genus Aesculus) are regarded as decorative plants for their beautiful candelabra-like flower bunches. However, the seeds and the young leaves are both toxic.

In this article, we will explain in detail what are the things you can do with buckeyes.

Buckeyes Information

Buckeyes Information

The Ohio buckeye, sometimes known as fetid or Texas buckeye, is the most well-known species, found mostly in the Midwest of the United States. 

The tree may reach a height of 21 meters (70 feet), and its twigs and leaves emit an awful odor when crushed.


Buckeye plants possess opposite palmately complicated leaflets that are either deciduous (such that they drop their leaves on a regular basis), or everlasting (that really is, they do not shed their leaflets.)

The bisexual blooms have four or five fused petals and are very spectacular. The berries are dry capsules with smooth to weakly spiky firm leathery husks. 

In the fall, the fruits turn brown and split in three, releasing one to three striped pillow uneatable seeds.


Cattle and people are poisoned by the seeds, which contain tannic acid. 

The buckeye tree is Ohio’s official state tree, and the name refers to both Ohioans in general and the sports teams and athletes of Ohio State University.

Some sources claim that the nuts can be utilized to eliminate mildew spots off linen.

Bookbinders formerly employed a buckeye paste that was not only robust but also insect-resistant. 

Brown nuts were utilized by moonshiners during Prohibition to give their alcohol an aged look.

Little dosages of the powdery nut were used in ancient medicine to treat spasmodic coughs, asthma, and even intestinal discomforts.

Externally, buckeyes can be used to make a therapeutic ointment or paste to relieve the discomfort of rheumatism, dermatitis, and hemorrhoids. 

To make the salve, wrap the nuts with a cloth and crush them with a rolling pin or hammer. 

Put the nuts in a pan with enough water to cover them. Boil the water, then drain it and do it all over again. Then, to form a paste, add enough fat.

What Are The Things You Can Do With Buckeyes?

What Are The Things You Can Do With Buckeyes?

Buckeyes can be used for a variety of purposes which are explained as follows.

Cooking Uses

Buckeye is a popular caramel white chocolate treat. I’ve included recipes underneath! 

I’m certain many of you are just experiencing a bulb flash as you read this! You probably don’t understand that if you weren’t from Michigan or Ohio.

Giant Golden Buckeye is the biggest buckeye plant species, often known as Sweet Buckeye or Big Buckeye. 

Buckeye Recipe:

Combine peanut butter, cheese, and powdered sugar in a large mixing basin. Blend everything until it’s completely smooth. 

Next, roll the peanut butter mixture into 2 inches balls and set them on a wax paper-lined baking sheet.

Freeze the balls for 40 minutes or until they are hard. Whenever the balls have firmed up, heat the white chocolate in a toaster dish for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes, stirring often. 

Place a toothpick in the middle of each ball and dip it 3/4 of the way into the melted chocolate. Return to wax paper to set. In the refrigerator, they set quicker. 

We may want to double its recipe if you want to create more than 25-30 buckeyes. My buckeyes are kept in the refrigerator. Cheers!

Moreover, it can be used to make hetuck. The seeds were roasted, skinned, and mashed.

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Medicinal Uses

The buckeye was utilized in early medicines as well as as a food by Native Americans who cooked, peeled, and crushed the seeds to make a dish called hetuck. 

The nut’s contents have been utilized in the treatment of cerebrospinal disorders.

Ease The Pain Of Rheumatism, Rashes And Hemorrhoids

Buckeyes, on the other hand, can be beneficial to your health. They were crushed into a mixture and cooked into biscuits, which were subsequently used to treat combat agony. 

Consider a large dose of aspirin. Until nowadays, many individuals assume that buckeyes may be used to cure arthritis, varicose veins, and rashes of various kinds.

Treat Spasmodic Cough, Asthma And Even Intestinal Irritations

Although toxic due to its tannic acid concentration, the buckeye was used as a stimulant for various hemorrhoids to relieve congestion and asthma and to cure hemorrhoids and “female problems” at various periods throughout history. 

It is also claimed to help with arthritis and rheumatism discomfort.


It can be used as consumption in different ways which are explained as

Removing Mildew Stains From Linen

Mildew is an unavoidable part of life, but you don’t have to put up with its ugly spots anymore. 

Mildew stains may appear almost everywhere, so apply these stain cleanup procedures to prevent mold from taking hold.

The very first stage is to pick your weapon – there are a few items that can help you get mildew off your garments. 

This is a powerful stain remover that’s suitable for a variety of textiles. You may dilute it with water and apply it straight to the stain, or mix a cup with a pail of water.

Making Glue

Although being somewhat toxic and hence inedible, buckeyes have such a long and illustrious history.

Buckeye nuts may be used to construct a variety of crafts of transparent fishing line or hot glue a bit of elbow macaroni to the top before adding your thread.

Making Pulp Or Landscaping

Deinking is the technique of removing ink from papers during the reuse and recycling process. 

After the regenerated paper has been broken up (or pulverized), it is combined using water to form a pulp solution. It’s also a good plant for beautification in the garden or any other open space.

Building Of Furniture (Crates, Pallets and Caskets)

Buckeye wood isn’t particularly valuable commercially; therefore cut trees are primarily used to make pulp. 

On the other hand, Buckeye wood was once used to make furniture, boxes, shipping containers, palettes, and even prosthetic limbs. 

The timber is lightweight, easy to cut, and won’t break.


Buckeye nuts were ground to a powder and then thrown in tiny ponds by Native Americans. 

The powder would shock the fish and force them to rise to the surface, where they could be swiftly caught. It is slightly poisonous to humans and certain animals.

Make a fine powder out of the buckeye nuts and sprinkle it on top of the pond water. The fish would be stunned by the powerful powder.

Making Jewelry and Other Crafts

It can be used in making Jewelry and other processes which are described as follows.


Whether you want to show your school enthusiasm for the next big Ohio State game or just want to make an innovative, eye-catching design, adding buckeyes into your jewelry is a cheap and enjoyable method to do so. 

Take a nature trip and look for fallen nuts on the ground if you reside in a perfect area for gathering your own buckeye nuts. 

Alternatively, get the nuts from a specialist craft store or get them online. 

Because buckeyes are so tough, you’ll have to drill a hole in them to link them onto chains or elasticity for bracelets, necklaces, and other jewelry. 

Intersperse grey and red beads with the buckeyes for more OSU pride.


Buckeyes may be decorated in various ways, so think outside the box when coming up with your own unique ornaments. 

According to your tastes, they may be hung on Christmas trees or throughout the house all year. 

Make the pattern for your buckeye decoration with acrylic paints and other ornamental substances such as glitter. 

After the buckeye has hardened, drill holes in it and tie it with a clear fishing line, or hot glue a piece of elbow macaroni to the top and string it.


A buckeye garland may be used to produce a rustic look or to exhibit OSU school pride at any period of the year. 

You might, for example, use your garland to decorate a Christmas tree or drape it in a college dorm to add additional Ohio-themed decorating. 

You’ll need between 50 and 60 buckeye nuts for a 6-foot strand of garland. 

You’ll also need a drill to cut a hole in the nuts so you can thread them on a piece of jewelry wire instead of string; use wire rather than string since buckeyes are fairly hefty and will need additional help. 

Add more pizazz to the garland by adding other things like beads.

Key Chains

Since a buckeye keychain maintains things organized, you’ll constantly know wherever the keys reside. 

You could use any amount of buckeyes based on how long you would like the chain to be, and you really need another to produce a good keychain. 

Determine the type of pattern you want to use to showcase the buckeye; for a unique keychain, add bright beads or feathers. 

Drill a hole in the buckeye nuts and thread through it with yarn, string, or suede leather. 

Add a 25mm separate key chain to the other side of the buckeye and attach your extra ornaments to one part, tying it together with a knot.

Buckeye Facts You May Not Be Aware Of

Buckeye Facts You May Not Be Aware Of

From its leaves to its bark, the buckeye plant is poisonous.

The nut’s toxic tannic acid concentration is neutralized by removing the shell and roasting it, resulting in a protein-rich snack.

Buckeye nuts, on the other hand, are poisonous to humans if not cooked properly, causing symptoms such as weakness, diarrhea, vomit, paralysis, and mortality.

Cultural Meaning

Ohio’s culture is embodied by the Buckeyes. Since 1950, the nut has served as the mascot at Ohio State University. 

Brutus the Buckeye draws large audiences to their football games, and his nut-shaped head is impossible to miss. 

Even the state flag’s “O” is modeled by the seed’s shell. Aside from that, the nuts are said to be good luck charms and are a statewide treasure.

Politics Meaning

William Henry Harrison’s election effort used the buckeye as an emblem. 

A picture of a log house with raccoon skins and a chain of buckeyes was connected with the presidential candidate thanks to an opposition publication. 

Harrison acknowledged the buckeye connection and wrote a campaign song that started, “Oh where, tell me where your buckeye cabin was made?… 

” The buckeye trees were designated as Ohio’s official state tree in 1953, and Ohio citizens are called “Buckeyes.”

If You Eats A Buckeye Nut

Whenever someone consumes a buckeye product, they may have the following side effects. 

  • Diarrhea 
  • Vomiting 
  • Stomach Ache 
  • Muscle Weakness 
  • Paralysis 
  • Dilated Pupils

If Your Pet Eats A Buckeye Nut

Buckeye nuts may make animals sick or kill them, including horses, cows, and deer. The squirrel is the only animal that can eat the buckeye nut without becoming ill.

The accompanying signs may appear if your pet eats buckeye nuts, leaves, or bark:

  •  Uneven Gate
  •  Excessive Diarrhea
  • Seizures
  • Tremors
  • Vomiting
  •  Abundant Drooling

Some Tips With Buckeye

Always pick buckeyes that have already dropped on the surface. The buckeyes can be sun-dried for seven days.

At nighttime, bring them in. As you drill, make sure to keep the nut securely in place.

The drill’s outside shell is firm, while the core is mushy, causing it to wallow. To give the dried buckeyes a sheen, apply a layer of transparent acrylic.

Difference Between Buckeyes and Chestnuts

Difference Between Buckeyes and Chestnuts


Excluding the California buckeye, the preponderance of buckeye varieties is located in the Eastern United States. 

Its spherical shape tops, canopy spreads that match their height up to 50 feet, and early spring flowering make them appealing for landscaping and shading. 

Buckeye leaves are palmate and complex, with five leaflets and fine-toothed edges. Leaf scorching is a common occurrence. 

The buckeye tree’s light wood was previously used to make cradles and prosthetic limbs, and it may still be used to make paper and other tiny wood products.

Buckeye fruit has numerous spines on its husk, so each husk contains seeds. Buckeyes are named from their nutlike seeds, which are dark brown with a bright spot, resembling the eye of a buck deer.

Such seeds have a lacquered appearance and are very appealing to gather as good luck charms. 

The seeds are eaten by certain species. People, on the other hand, are very poisonous to the point of renal failure. 

Buckeye seed kernels were once utilized to create detergent in the times of the pioneers.

Horse Chestnuts

Buckeye trees and horse chestnut trees are both members of the same tree family. Horse chestnuts, from the other side, are a European specialty, particularly in the Balkans.

Horse chestnut plants can be seen in the UK as well. Horse chestnuts grow to be 50 to 75 feet tall, with a round top and canopies spreading 40 to 70 feet when fully grown.

Huge and oblong (teardrop-shaped with a tip at the outer edge), horse chestnut leaflets have harsh teeth and seven leaflets. 

Horse chestnuts create gorgeous, erect bunches of white blossoms with red and yellow accents that may grow over a foot high, making them highly sought as ornamental trees.

The adhesive lobes of the horse chestnut differentiate it from buckeyes as well as similar plants.

Its fruits appear to be less spiky than those of the buckeye. One or two seeds are contained within the husks. 

These are the fabled conkers that youngsters adore in games. These “nuts” are bigger and less sparkly than buckeyes. Deer and other small animals use them for food. 

Extracts derived from the leaf surface and berries of the horse chestnut are used as herbal remedies once a poisonous component called esculin is extracted. 

Despite the fact that the extraction is often used to treat chronic venous incompetence in humans, horse chestnuts are poisonous to human beings.

Gefen Organic Whole Roasted and Peeled Chestnuts 5.2oz

Gefen Organic Whole Peeled and Roasted Chestnuts, 5.2oz (4 Pack) | Chestnuts Peeled and Ready to Eat | Great for Cooking & Baking | Gluten Free | Kosher
  • 100% NATURAL - Gefen Organic Chestnuts are all natural with no artificial coloring or preservatives.
  • READY TO EAT - Who can resist peeled and roasted chestnuts, delisciously fresh and moist and ready to eat straight out of the bag!
  • VERSATILE - Gefen roasted chestnuts will elevate your recipes with the rich, nutty flavor of chestnuts. Whether it's hearty soups, delectable desserts, or the ultimate chestnut stuffing, our chestnuts are your secret ingredient for culinary success.


  • People are poisoned by buckeye. Consequences include fatigue, diarrhea, vomiting, immobility, and fatality if not adequately prepared.
  •  Keep these from young children.
  •  Buckeyes are a favorite snack of squirrels. If you sun-dry them, they could steal them.


  • Rheumatism and spinal issues have been linked to the buckeye nut, and a salve prepared from smashed boiling buckeyes baked with fat is supposed to treat rashes and wounds.
  •  It has many uses but it can be harmful and fatal if not taken with care.
  •  It must be kept in a safe place away from kids.
  • Use for eating after some days of drying.