18 Least Healthy Vegetables That You Shouldn’t Eat Much Of

Not everything is created equal in the realm of plant foods. Spinach’s nutritional content is considerably more than that of an onion. That is simply a statement of fact.

But that is not to say onion isn’t good; after all, what would we consume with our spicy wings? It simply implies that users can put their vegetable daily tally to greater use.

It’s simple to become perplexed about which meals are good for you and which may not be.

If you want to lose weight and avoid chronic diseases, you should typically avoid specific meals. When feasible, healthier options are given in this text.

Here are the list of least healthy vegetables, yet most individuals may consume them in proportion on rare instances without harming their health permanently.

18 Least Healthy Vegetables That You Shouldn’t Eat Much Of

18 Least Healthy Vegetables That You Shouldn’t Eat Much

You’re definitely ahead of the nutrition curve if you consume a variety of plants, fruits, healthy grains, and lean meats. 

Even when you’re getting your five a day, avoiding the junk food aisle, and maintaining a healthy weight, there’s still a possibility you’re doing dietary blunders without recognizing it. 

Even healthy meals aren’t created equal, and you might not be receiving as many vitamins and minerals as you think. 

In fact, you might be overloading your body with salt and sugar without even realizing it. In this post, we will discuss the 18 least healthy veggies that should not be taken in large quantities.



Onions, whether you like them or not, are difficult to avoid. These crunchy bulbs may be found in anything from burgers to banh mi in cuisines all around the world.

Whenever your digestive system is weak, though, you should continue with caution when it comes to onions. 

Onions include fructan, a carbohydrate that has been linked to gastrointestinal issues ranging from moderate to severe. 

Onions, like other alliums vegetables such as leek and shallot, could be hard for the body’s ability to digest, resulting in an excess of water in your gut. 

As a result, eating onions frequently might cause discomfort and irritation.

Onions can worsen heartburn and stomach reflux in people who have it, especially if they are consumed uncooked. 

Onions can also hinder your blood from clotting properly if you’re using blood thinners or have hemophilia or another blood-clotting illness.

From a nutritious perspective, cutting onions from your diet isn’t going to hurt you too much. 

Because onions are mostly made up of water, fiber, and carbohydrates, you can get more nourishment from spinach, carrots, or any of the other nutrient-dense vegetables on this list marked “do consume.”



Although these small plants are really not harmful to your health, they may cause bloating, which no one likes to deal with. 

Rather, consider either of these meals to relieve bloating.

The most prevalent adverse consequence is gas or intestinal discomfort, which is produced by the high fiber content of broccoli. 

“All cruciferous veggies have the potential to get people gassy,” Jarzabkowski explained. 

“However, the health advantages exceed the inconvenience.”

White (Button) Mushrooms

White (Button) Mushrooms

Many edible mushrooms, including Agaricus bisporus, possess a few toxic or unpleasant chemicals. 

Hydrazines, a category of carcinogenic compounds, are one of them. 

These compounds are present in minuscule levels, and those who have eaten a salad with raw mushrooms on it may face illness.

In their unprocessed form, mushrooms, even ordinary button mushrooms, contain traces of carcinogenic chemicals. 

Portobello mushrooms have the same poison, hydrazine, while shiitake mushrooms have normally produced formaldehyde. 

Both compounds are heat-sensitive, and when exposed to heat, they disappear.

Spaghetti Squash

Spaghetti Squash

Cucurbit intoxication also referred to as toxic squash syndrome (not to be confused with toxic shock syndrome), can occur when individuals eat squash and it contains a poisonous chemical called cucurbitacin E. 

Cucurbit poisoning is extremely rare, despite the fact that it can be fatal.

Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers

Salads, sandwiches, and sauces may all benefit from the addition of peppers. 

However, if you’re trying to avoid foods that cause inflammation, you might want to cut back on the pepper. 

Peppers, like pumpkin, sweet potato, and red tomatoes, are classified nightshades and can induce arthritic and joint discomfort, according to Tavoularis.



Taco toppings must include radishes (with cilantro and a squeeze of fresh lime, please). 

Sharp, crisp, and somewhat bitter, they’re also extremely attractive. 

Radishes, on the other hand, don’t contribute much to the table other than a healthy dose of vitamin C. 

Furthermore, some people will have stomach problems after eating radishes, including excessive flatulence.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts, like broccoli, are cruciferous veggies, meaning suggests they not just to make you extra gassy, 

But they also make your farts more pungent. Raffinose and sulfate are to blame. 

The sugar raffinose is not digested until it reaches the large intestine when it is fermenting. 

The scent is caused by sulfate.



The issue with eggplant is not really the nutritious value content, after all, a fruit; don’t dispute.

The deep purple shell contains a good quantity of fiber and is high in antioxidants (about 3g per cup). 

However, what is done to eggplants is a health danger. In fact, eggplants are like sponges. 

Effective varieties like eggplant lasagna convert eggplant from a reasonably healthy vegetable into a calorie-dense nutritional bomb by soaking up the fat, calories, and salt from the cooking process.



For some researchers it reduces weight. For a variety of purposes, cucumbers are among my favorite veggies. To begin with, you don’t have to cook these, It is all about time savings). 

Secondly, these are incredibly energizing. 

Lastly, they go well with almost everything, including tuna, onions, salad, and watermelon.

Cucumbers are also regarded as one of the healthiest vegetables, according to the Huffington Post.

They’re high in minerals like potassium, vitamin K, and flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory compounds that may help lower the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease. 

Have we said that cucumbers are really simple to absorb? To me, this sounds like a win-win situation.

Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg Lettuce

If you want to eat more plant-rich salads, iceberg lettuce is better than no lettuce, but if you have the option, do so. 

The iceberg is almost devoid of water. It has practically little nutritional value and only 10 calories per cup, with less than one gram of fiber. 

Instead, choose a leafy green that has a higher nutritious content per leaf. 

Kale, for illustration, is high in vitamin A and C, as well as calcium, which helps to strengthen bones. 

Baby kale is much more fragile and crunchy than regular kale, making it perfect for salads.



This one had to happen, right? Potatoes, like eggplants, aren’t bad in and of themselves. 

They’re high in calories (approximately 115 calories per cup), but the skin contains fiber as well as vitamins such as vitamin C and potassium. 

Many cooking procedures, on the other hand, essentially eliminate all of these micronutrients. 

Whenever potatoes are roasted & salted, or cooked and mashed into creamy mush, their nutritional value is lost. 

What is really left is a high-calorie snack that raises blood sugar levels. 

Cauliflower, and even butternut squash, may be used to make mashed potatoes.

Both of these foodstuffs have fewer calories per serving and more nutrients than potatoes.

It’s difficult to fathom a world without the veggie that offers us French fries, tater tots, and gratin potato. 

Potatoes are inexpensive and readily available, in addition to being tasty and adaptable.

LUXEAR Fresh Container

LUXEAR Fresh Container, 3PACK Produce Saver Container BPA Free Fridge Organizer for Vegetable Fruit and Salad Partitioned Food Storage Container with Vents Stay Fresh Containers Not Dishwashers Safe
  • 【Fresh Fridge Containers】LUXEAR fruit container sets come with 18 cup, 6.8 cup and 1.92 cup three of containers. Each of storage containers designed with adjustable vents which can regulate the flow of air in and out, control the humidity inside, help prevent spoilage, keep fruits and vegetables fresh for up to two weeks for maximum freshness.
  • 【Mutifuction Design】The fridge container comes with a filterable basket and a partition. The basket can be used as a colander to wash your fruits and vegetables, or to strain out water while cooking foods like pasta or mashed potatoes. The partition is used to separate different foods in the container to prevent food from squeezing each other.
  • 【Food Grade Safety Material】The vegetable container is made of environmental-friendly materials which are BPA free. The durable high-quality cover is both scratch and corrosion resistant and does not odorless. They are also made from a transparent material that allows one to know the items stored in different containers without the need of labeling. NOTE: Cannot be used in dishwasher.

However, as per Harvard School of Public Health experts (who refuse to call potatoes veggies), they’re heavy in carbs — the sort your body digests rapidly, causing your risk of developing diabetes to spike and then decrease. 

One cup of potatoes, on the other hand, has roughly the same effect on blood sugar as a can of coke or a dish of jelly beans.



Although maize is a crop, it is a greater supplier of sugar than vitamins. 

If you enjoy scooping up an extra helping of corn for each mealtime, throw aside the spoon.

Corn is high in natural sugar carbohydrates and poor in digestible fiber, which maintains your normalcy and reduces cholesterol levels. 

Corn’s carbohydrates and fiber, on the other hand, are highly digested and quickly convert to sugar, spiking blood sugar levels.

In addition, maize has high-calorie content when related to other veggies. There are 180 calories in one cup. 

When you compare it to a similar quantity of broccoli, which contains only over 30 calories, you can see the difference. 

According to the Whole Grains Council, corn is not a whole grain. 

Especially dried corn kernels, such as snacks, that include complete whole grain components receive this healthy designation.

Canned Tomatoes

Canned Tomatoes

You scream, “Tomatoes are indeed a fruit,” says the narrator. In terms of botany, you’re correct. 

In nutrition, meanwhile, “fruits” denotes sugary products frequently used in sweets, and “vegetables” refers to low-fructose crops. 

Botanical fruits like tomato, eggplants, and pumpkins are classified as vegetables by nutrition experts, including the wonderful authors at Mashed.

Now, let’s go on. Fresh tomatoes are high in micronutrients, especially antioxidants that prevent cancer. 

However, if you consume almost all of your tomato straight from the bottle, they may be doing the absolute reverse. 

This is because certain cans contain a chemical known as bisphenol-A. (also known as BPA).

When one such compound is coupled with the strong acidity of tomatoes, it may be quite hazardous.

Fresh tomatoes are always excellent, but cooked tomatoes may be even better, according to Uitert. 

“While tomatoes may be eaten raw, cooking them boosts the quantity of lycopene, an essential phytonutrient, that has been proven in research to reduce the chance of heart attacks and cancer,” she says. 

“It becomes even more accessible when heated, helping you to absorb and digest more of the potent antioxidants.”

Fresh Pumpkin

Fresh Pumpkin

Firstly, the positive: Pumpkins are filling, nutritious, and high in fiber, water, and vitamin C with potassium. 

Pumpkins are mostly dangerous because of the dangers that come with their preparation, not because of their nutritious value. 

Pumpkins are amongst the most hazardous veggies (or fruit, if we’re talking botanically) to chop and prepare due to their rough skin and odd form.

To investigate the hazards of pumpkins, a team of specialists from SUNY UMU used various kitchen knives, pumpkin knives, and cadaver hands. 

According to the study, pumpkin carving injuries such as hand punctures and lacerations were common.

To avoid catastrophic damage, the scientists recommend using specific pumpkin carving equipment or, better yet, leaving pumpkin slicing and dicing to expert chefs. 

If you don’t have access to a skilled chef, you may always substitute pumpkins with comparable vegetables such as potatoes or carrots, or even better, buy a tinned pumpkin. You’ll get something like nutritional benefits from these foodstuffs.

Green Peas

Green Peas

Peas, like potatoes and maize, are a very starch and reactive food, which might cause body gains, elevated blood sugar, and a lot of hunger.

If you like Indian food, you’ll probably enjoy green peas. What’s more, why wouldn’t you? 

These must be nutritious since they are delicious, luscious, and greenish. 

Dr. Luiza Petre, a board-certified cardiovascular and weight control expert, believes that these newborns may not be as healthy as we believed. 

“Peas are high in purines, which the body converts to uric acid,” she explained in an interview with me. 

“Introducing peas to the meals might aggravate gout and renal disease.”



Whether people have ever gone on a diet, they have probably heard someone say, “You know, you burn more calories chewing celery than you do eating it.

” However, until you possess some very strong jaws, this is simply not accurate. 

A celery stick has only 10 calories and very little else.

Yes, it contains Vitamin C and K as well as antioxidants, though, on a level of healthiness, it isn’t particularly high. 

If you want something crunchy, skip it and go for carrots instead.



Because spinach is high in vitamins A and K and has anti-cancer qualities, it’s typically regarded as one of the healthiest vegetables. 

However, ordinary (non-organic) spinach exposes you to over 50 pesticides. 

In this scenario, it’s best to play things safe and go organic.

Read more: Is Spinach a Brassica?

Canned Vegetables

Canned Vegetables

Canned veggies are high in salt and “flavor enhancers,” which can cause stomach discomfort and make digestion difficult. 

Furthermore, the salt content of a can of veggies is astounding. 

This isn’t surprising because it’s quite straightforward to figure out that something that comes out of a can couldn’t possibly be nutritious.


Every one of those veggies also includes nutrients that are good for you. 

You do not have to cut them out of your diet. Just consume it in moderation and in conjunction with other healthy veggies.

Veggie peels, stiff stalks, and wilted green tips should not be thrown away. 

Those components might not make it into your supper, but they can surely be repurposed to produce vegetable stock, which is a vital component of a delicious dish. 

One of the things that distinguish a competent cook from a great one is the ability to make fresh broth. 

Soups, sauces, casseroles, and other dishes might benefit from their depth and taste.

Vegetable stock is simple to make, particularly if you have a refrigerator full of veggie scraps. 

Scraps from overwhelming tastes, such as lettuce, cabbage, carrots, onions, and broccoli, as well as anything that’s deteriorating or rotting, should be avoided, according to the kitchen. 

However, most veggies are safe to eat. Leaves, indigestible vegetable and onion stems, stiff vegetable and mushroom marks the end, stalks, roots, and stems can all be used. 

You may also keep items like onion peels, which can give your stock a nice hue.