Top 14 Fruit Trees to Grow Indoors

Do you guys understand that you really can plant fruit trees indoors almost anywhere

Growing a dwarf fruit tree not only adds to the overall attractiveness of your home, but it also helps circulate and create clean air while providing fresh fruit for your family.

It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

Fruit trees may be grown inside. However, not all trees are suitable for indoor cultivation. You should seek dwarf fruit tree kinds that have been grafted to stay tiny and compact while yet producing a high yield.

Nevertheless, just because it was a dwarf tree doesn’t guarantee that it’ll always remain tiny and to be maintained indoors.

Pruning is required on a regular basis to keep your tree at a size that is suitable for developing fruit indoors.

This article will walk you through the process of deciding various fruits we can raise inside as well as how to look after each one!

Can You Grow Fruit Trees Indoors?

The main question is: can fruit trees be grown indoors? It’ll be difficult, but not impossible! 

Fruit trees offer a few advantages over typical home plants: their blooms smell wonderful, and the fruits give a splash of color. 

Fruit trees require a lot of light and space, and the overall amount of fruit produced is rather little. If you’re looking for a lot of food, then herbs, lettuce, or vegetables are better options.

If you want to invest in these long-lived edible plants, we will show you how to choose the appropriate one for your area and what you’ll need to keep it flourishing for years to come in this article.

Benefits Of Growing Fruits Indoors

Benefits Of Growing Fruits Indoors

Top 5 benefits of growing indoors fruits are as follows.

You can yield fruits, veggies, and herbs throughout the year. 

There will be no wind, snow, or precipitation to obstruct your planting efforts. If you wish to cultivate your plants 365 days a year, indoor gardening allows you to manage all of the elements.

It costs less. 

One of the most significant advantages of producing your own food is that you will not be subject to rising food prices.

You can grow what you’d like to eat, and you can even join in the fun by providing food for your neighbors, maybe earning a few pennies in the process. 

You grow your favorite fruits. 

You may pick and choose your favorite veggies and fruits from a wide variety of options. You can produce blackberries, bananas, and other vegetables. Going to your backyard and seeing all the options may be exhilarating.


People who have never considered gardening to be fascinating give it a try. Observing how everything develops and changes, as well as utilizing the solar light and energies to produce food, is a fascinating and thrilling process. 

It’s very interesting that you can plant something in the ground one day and then pull it out and eat it a few days later. It’s a lot more interesting than going to the supermarket and giving stuff over to the cashier. That’s far too simple!

You control its quality. 

Because you cultivate your own fruits and vegetables and have complete control over all of the factors, you can be certain that your produce is free of fertilizers and pesticides. 

It’s entirely clean and fresh since you don’t want to contaminate the meal you’re about to consume. 

This alone makes it worthwhile to produce your own food, because corporations who operate with the goal of earning at any cost can often damage the ultimate result.

Customers are the ones who must ingest this food, and knowing what was put in it throughout the development season gives you that piece of mind.

Top 14 Growing Fruits Indoors

Top 14 Growing Fruits Indoors

It’s not like all trees and shrubs may be cultivated indoors; nevertheless. 

There are 14 different varieties of edible fruits which can be planted indoors, as listed below.

Meyer Lemon Tree

It is perhaps the best popular indoor fruit plant; citrus plants, such as the lemon, thrive indoors. 

Meyer lemons are self-pollinating, 

Although it may take two to three years for them to start producing fruit.

Meyer lemons require wet, well drained soils, and therefore, should be planted in a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunshine every day. 

Since the plant can grow up to eight feet tall, you may need to trim it from time to time.

Calamondin Orange Tree

Calamondin fruits are similar to ordinary oranges in that they are easy to cultivate indoors. 

They are delicious and good for cooking, and their skins are thin. 

This tree needs a bigger pot and somewhat acidic loamy soil to thrive.

When you discover the topsoil is dry, water it; the soil should be damp but not entirely dry. 

These, like some other citrus plants, need a lot of sunshine. 

You should also buy a self-pollinating variety. The flowers require no cross-pollination and will produce fruit at two years of age, continuing to bear almost all year round.

Goji Berries

Plant Lycium barbarum grows small, delicious berries which are high in vitamins. 

To get enough daylight, they should be put in a south-facing window or given a grow light. 

Goji plants are tolerant to water shortage, 

But they don’t like damp feet, so wait until the pot mix is completely dry prior to wetting again. 

Simply place a paper underneath the pot, shaking the shrub until the fruits fall onto the paper, 

And pick your tasty treasure of beautiful tiny berries!

Vitamins are abundant in Goji berries. 

They demand direct sunshine and should be put in an area where they can obtain it. 

You should not water the soil again until it is fully dry. 

They’re known for their drought resistance. 

Goji berries are very simple to obtain. Goji berry plants can be grown from seed, but this way takes a minimum of three years from planting to produce fruit.

You can purchase at your local nursery , reaching full production by the second year.

Avocado Tree

Persea americana trees are fascinating plants that produce a tasty and versatile fruit. 

Anyone for guacamole? 

They’re a typical houseplant that’s usually produced from seed or a retail fruit. 

Placing toothpicks in it and hanging it over a cup of water with the bottom half submerged is the most typical way you’ll see someone growing them from seed. 

Set these in a south-facing window with at least six hours of sunlight. 

Plant them in a fast-draining garden soil, and don’t let them sit in water.

Because of their size, you’ll probably need to prune them and perhaps require a stake to support their weight. Avocado trees can grow from seed, the process will take three to twelve years.

If you have purchased and planted a tree, you can probably expect to see your first fruit three to four years after planting.

But trust us when we say it’ll be worth it!

Here is a link to how to grow avocados indoors , so read it. How To Grow Avocados Indoors From A Seed (A-Z Tips + Pictures)

Strawberry Tree

This colorful plant may be cultivated in pots and thrives in a bright windowsill. 

Plants should be potted five to six inches tall and placed on the sunniest window or in the brightest room to enhance blossoming in the fall. 

Strawberries are a low-maintenance plant that produces a lot of fruit in a short amount of time. The average time it takes for strawberries to produce fruit is roughly three months. From early July until late fall, the berries might ripen. 

Mulberry Tree

Mulberries are the fruit of a tree. 

It is preferable to buy a mulberry tree rather than start from seed because the tree takes around ten years to bear fruit.

If starting from a mulberry tree, it can take up to two to three years for everbearing mulberry trees to fruit. However, some nurses carry everbearing mulberry trees that will fruit the first year.

The trees bear fruit from June until September.

A semi-dwarf or dwarf mulberry tree can be purchased from a garden centre or nursery. 

The fruit is usually ripe throughout the summer. 

Mulberries should be grown in a large pot in a warm, sunny environment with lots of sunlight. 

These berries are similar to blackberries in that they are long, big, and black. 

They are a plant that grows slowly.

Kumquat Tree

Citrus japonica is a unique citron fruit which may be eaten whole. Kumquats will start to bear fruit in as little as two to three years if they’re grafted, or as long as 15 years if they’re grown from seed.

Fruit and peel, indeed! In reality, Kumquat’s fruit is quite sour, but the peel is highly sweet and has a distinct citrus flavor. 

You simply pop a whole one of these incredible little fruits into the tongue and devour it like that. 

Grow them inside like you would any citrus, 

With as much light as possible and greater humidity. 

Pinch back some growth tips while your Kumquat is young to make the tree bushier and stronger, which could benefit when it yields fruit.

Apricot Tree

This colorful plant is simple to cultivate in pots and provides brightness to the space. Apricots are semi self-pollinating, but produce better crops with two varieties.

Trees should bear fruit in three to four years, with full fruiting in five to seven years. Harvest time peaks in July in mild climates and August in colder climates.

To be fruitful, it requires a sunny location. 

To use with apricots, look for a “soil-less” compost that has plenty of drainage. 

You may hand-pollinate the plants by moving from one blossom to the next using a paintbrush. 

You may buy a tree that is already producing fruit, much like other tree fruits. 

Ensure to thin the fruits and discard any that appear to be deformed or too tiny. 

The other fruit will be able to attain full size as a result of this.

Fig Tree

The fig variety known as Negro Largo performs well in the house, however, it grows best in a big pot. Fig trees generally begin to ripen fruit sometime between three and five years after planting.

With good care and time, your tree will begin to ripen fruit. Not a lot at first, but once it starts, there will be more every year.

It works well in a well-lit location that isn’t directly in the sun. 

During the growth season, some nutritious plant food can be provided a few times. 

The size of this plant may also be controlled by the temperature. 

The eventual size of the plant appears to be regulated by 65 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Apartments are perfect for figs. 

Below is the link to how to plant a fig tree indoors.

Indoor Fig Tree: Exclusive Guide To Plant & Care For Indoor Fig Tree

Key Lime

Citrus aurantifolia yields little sour fruits and lends a touch of luxuriant, tropical foliage to any home.

Budded and grafted trees usually produce fruit within three years, whereas seedling trees require another year or two before fruiting. Vigorous, mature trees may produce 30 to 50 lbs (13–23 kg) of fruit per year.

If you have an avocado tree and a lime tree, you’ll have two of the components for homemade guacamole! 

Guacamole is a staple in our household. 

A window with a southern exposure will be ideal for these little trees. 

Make sure the pot has enough drainage and uses a well-draining, slightly acidic potting mix.

Olive Tree

An olive tree is a lovely fruit tree to grow inside, even though it isn’t what most people consider a fruit. You should begin to see fruit on your olive tree after three years.

Olives are described as alternate-year-bearing species and typically have a year of heavy fruit production followed by a year of lighter production.

Take into account the Arbequina, a container-friendly plant. 

Olive trees require well drained land and at least six hours of sunlight every day.

If you want fruit, they will need to be exposed to lower temps for around two months. 

This can be accomplished by moving them to a cool garage or shed in the fall or winter.

Don’t forget to bring the leaves!

Olive tree leaves create a delicious tea with a variety of health advantages.

Ground Cherries

Ground cherries, sometimes known as Cape Gooseberries, are not officially a tree. 

They’re on our list because they’re a simple, bushy fruit to cultivate indoors. 

There aren’t many individuals who are aware of them.

The flavor has been characterized as a cross between a tomato and a pineapple. 

It tastes very much like consuming a pie to me. 

There’s a buttery finish and a smooth, almost apple taste. 

They have the flavor of a rich dessert rather than a strange tiny fruit. 

 They’re fantastic!

Ground cherries should be started from seed in a container that is at least 8” deep. Ground cherries typically bear fruit about 70 days from transplant (late July to August in most regions) and continue until frost.

The ground cherries have the peculiar characteristic of falling to the ground before they are ripe.

Your plant will thrive in well-drained soil with a little compost added. 

They thrive in direct sunlight.

Passion Fruit Tree

Passion plants not only give delicious fruits, but it also gorgeous blossoms that brighten up your space. 

Passion fruits require a trellis to develop, so you may need to purchase one. 

It demands well-drained soil & full sun for at least six hours every day.

It will need to be watered often, but not to the point of being wet.

Passion fruit typically takes 12 to 18 months to bear fruit. If you live in a tropical climate, the plants will flower and fruit year-round. 

Peach Tree

Wait, peaches and apricot trees may be grown indoors as well?

Yes, yes you can grow it indoors.

Just be sure to pick a self-pollinating dwarf variety, of which there are numerous. Peach trees start producing fruit after two to four years. Dwarf varieties may start producing fruit one year sooner.

They reach their peak yield by the eighth year and their production starts to decline after that.

A few popular dwarf types are Bonanza, Golden Glory, Nectar Crest, and Dwarf Sweet China.

Make absolutely sure the plant is in a big container with loamy soil before planting it. Keep in mind that you want the roots to be tight in the container to enhance fruiting. 

Fertilize your tree on a regular basis, and make sure it receives at least six hours of direct sunlight each day.

Sunlight is ideal for peaches and nectarines. Maintain a wet but not soggy environment by not allowing the soil to dry out entirely between watering.

How to Grow Fruits Indoors

How to Grow Fruits Indoors

Indoors, anyone can produce vegetables and fruit all year if you have adequate light and temperature. 

In the winter, however, plants must be watered often since the air can become quite dry due to radiators and interior heating. 

Examine the soil and add some extra water if it seems dry to the touch.

Prepare The Container

Choose a pot that is appropriate for any indoor plants like strawberries. 

Strawberries may be planted in a number of arrangements, including those specifically intended for them, called strawberry pots.

  • They may also be cultivated in hanging baskets, long rectangular containers on the ground, fruit trees, horizontally stacked receptacles, or tiny to intermediate containers on tables.

Choose A Good Potting Mix

Fruit plants should be planted in potting soil. Instead of using garden soil to pot up fruit trees and shrubs, use earth-based potting soil.

The herb, tree, or shrub should be planted or transplanted no deeper than it was growing previously since garden soil tends to hold insects and illnesses and does not drain well enough for container-grown plants.

Watering And Fertilizing Properly

Maintain the saplings regularly. 

The requirement for frequent watering is one disadvantage of producing fruit in pots. 

Container soil dries up faster than dirt in the ground.

Fruit Tree Fertilizer

Dr. Earth 708P Organic 9 Fruit Tree Fertilizer In Poly Bag, 4-Pound
  • Stimulates healthy root development
  • For healthier fruit
  • Made with 100% organic and natural ingredients

Remember to examine the pots twice a day, in the mornings and evenings. 

When the top inch or two of soil on the fruit plant, tree, or shrub becomes dry, water it until the water drains from the bottom of the bucket. 

Watering plants with soured milk is a wonderful technique to prevent powdery mildew while also adding minerals to the ground.

Fertilizer should also be administered more regularly to potted fruit plants. 

Every two weeks or so, a balanced 10-10-10 water-soluble fertilizer should be used.

Read and follow the dilution instructions and administration frequency recommended by the fertilizer manufacturer. 

Constantly water first, then add the diluted fertilizer. 

Fertilizer should not be used beyond mid- to late summer to minimize new, delicate leaf development in the winter.

Prune The Roots Properly

With your fingertips, prune the roots, carefully pushing these apart by your hands. 

This will assist its roots in spreading more quickly and obtaining more nutrients and water from the earth.

To prevent harming or destroying the root, pull gently.

Adjust Care Accordingly

In warm weather, open a door or window near your plant to mimic outside settings. 

Establish a spinning fan near the lemon tree if the air is too chilly to keep it well-ventilated.

Why Won’t Your Fruit Trees Bear Fruit?

Pollination is insufficient. Lack of, or inadequate, pollination is the third most prevalent reason for a tree’s inability to yield fruit. 

Pesticides, extreme cold, rain, and wind all interfere with bee activity, which reduces pollination. 

Apples and peaches must always be pollinated by each other.

Fruit Bags for Protectin Plants and Fruit Trees

4 Pieces Plant Net Bags with Adjustable Drawstring Birds Netting Fruit Bags for Protectin Plants and Fruit Trees Flowers Garden Netting for pest Barrier Bag Deer
  • ♦Usage♦ Equipped with 4 plant protection mesh bags (16 x 23 inches / 40 x 60 cm) with adjustable drawstring design plant netting , which can cover most plants fruit protection bags, It is very suitable for protecting plants and vegetables, fruits and flowers from insects, pests, birds and many other animals. The anti-bird netting is made of high-quality transparent mesh cloth and PE material, which is soft, elastic, durable and strong. It can be used for a long time if it is well preserved
  • ♦Design♦ The mesh plant cover adopts a drawstring design, adjusts the length of the buckle, and is convenient to open and close, which helps to seal the opening; at the same time, it allows light, sunlight and rain to pass through without affecting the growth of plants
  • ♦Scene♦ Perfect for indoor and outdoor gardening. Garden barrier nets can protect your plants and vegetables from insects, animals, birds, squirrels, cicadas and deer, such as citrus trees, garden trees, tomatoes, cherries or other shrubs planting box systems and shrubs

In Conclusion

Fruits tree planting has never been simpler; you do not need to have a garden in your complex to cultivate your own trees or harvest your own fruits. 

Dwarf trees are ideal for interior use, but they may not always stay tiny. It’s possible that some of them will grow larger than planned.

To keep them at an acceptable indoor size, you should trim them on a regular basis.

Give this little plant a chance. I don’t believe you’ll be let down.

You could wind up with a genuine fruit feast in your living room now that you know which fruit trees you can successfully cultivate inside.

Here is a link to the fastest-growing fruits in your garden.

Top 14 Fastest Growing Fruit Trees For You Garden